Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Lost for words

post modern 
we can't say what we want to 
directly anymore

avoid cliche
we fill our lines 
with meaningful 
favor irony 
to avoid sounding trite

words are just words 
all they are is hollow 
black and white
i project what meaning i want 
imbue these screens with hue
visible only through my tinted lenses 

we can't say what we want to 
directly anymore

i write these words
and hear them ring inside my head
to potential music space
an emptiness i can't efface

we can't go it alone
we can't go it alone 
we can't go it alone
we can't go it alone
we build up to a rhythmic drum
that no one else can hear

could we ever;
we can't say what we want to 

directly anymore

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