I'm not sure when exactly,
friendship is a funny thing, creeping up on you slowly
you get used to having someone around,
when they are around long enough,
they become
a permanent fixture in your heart.
I'm not sure when exactly,
that Sadness and I became friends.
But, in any event,
we are close.
I'm sorry I can't laugh and
talk of nothing all the day long
with friends who don't know Sadness
the way I do.
I don't hate you, Sadness
I wish more people weren't so afraid of you
I find you
perfectly beautiful
a lonely and often quiet soul
and all the more beautiful for it.
I don't blame you, Sadness
for your all-consuming nature
and the wall of unavailability
we've built around us.
I just wish more people could
know you like I do
revel in you like I do
enjoy you like I do
and see really,
how you co-exist with Joy,
and not not invite you to parties.